Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Birds vs Christmas Trees

I saw a bird the other day that the owner said flew out of the Christmas tree and thumped to floor. Since then, every time he tried to walk, he faceplants. The first question that popped into my head was, "Christmas tree? February? Really?", but then I have to shamefully admit I've left mine up longer, loving to sit in the dark with the fire on and look at the twinkling lights. Obviously the whole tree thing went out the window when the Pig joined the family, but I digress.

I mean, you can't really blame people. Ask someone the word they first associate with 'bird' and it could very well be 'tree'. They go together like fish and water, right? Not always. Look closely at the feet of this bird. See anything? Yup, that's angel hair some people put on their trees that's wrapped around this poor guy's feet and legs, cutting off circulation and essentially hobbling the guy!
Luckily the owner had brought the bird in quickly enough that, once we removed the angel hair, he was able to walk again and there was no permanent damage. Whew! So, next year, when Polly makes a beeline for the Christmas tree, remember that birds and trees aren't always meant to be together!

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