Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fun with Pus

As a veterinarian, I daily come into contact with many different unsavory bodily fluids. Vomit, drool, diarrhea, pus...the list goes on. Drool's my least fave because it tends to cling to everything and anything. It's slimy and gross. The worst is when big, drooly dogs come into the exam room and shake their heads, coating everything within a 4 foot radius with the nasty stuff. It ain't easy to clean off of glasses!

Today I had a bouncy little dog in for the removal of the stitches I had placed during his castration surgery. The dog was accompanied by a young boy (equally as bouncy as his pet) and his father. On examination of the surgical site, I noticed a small pustule about 1/2 inch in diameter near one end of the healed incision. Turns out the dog had been licking the area extensively during the healing process, even though the owner had been warned about this when the dog went home. As the pustule seemed to be superficial, I decided to drain it and clean up the area. A good firm squeeze of the swelling sent a tiny spray of pus jetting across the exam room, missing the boy's face by mere inches. His eyes widened and he pronounced the whole episode to be, "Cool!".

See? Pus can be fun!