Had a rather unique case! Another clinic called to say they had a snake in distress and could they send the family and their reptile over as an emergency. Cool for me! Not so cool for the snake. The patient in question was a 12 inch albino corn snake; just a baby! It had managed to escape its enclosure (snakes are notorious escape artists), but its freedom was quickly curtailed when it encountered the remarkable adhesive powers of duct tape! The poor little guy was tightly glued to the tape along his entire length, causing his jaw to be pulled out of alignment. He was definitely in distress. As his diameter was akin to that of a pencil, any attempt to manually remove the tape would have caused significant damage. Nothing I'd normally have in the clinic would have dissolved that kind of strong adhesive. Then I thought of "Goo Gone", that stuff we use to take sticky labels off of things. A quick Internet search revealed that it shouldn't cause the snake any harm to use it, as long as we cleaned him up afterward. Plus, I was out of ideas and the snake was out of time. It worked like a charm. Bit by bit we dissolved the glue and released the stressed patient from his sticky situation. Once he was free and found to be remarkably intact, we gave him a quick bath to remove any of the product that might have been left on his scales. His teary teenage owner was very happy to take home his snake, with instructions to escape-proof his pet's enclosure!
By the way, the pic is of a friend's 'creamsicle' corn snake, but bigger than the little albino I saw!
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