Would you like your daily chuckle at my expense? Yes? I ended up doing surgery at 9 am this morning and recovered 10 cm of elastic, waistband type material from a cat's small intestine. Cat survived, as nasty cats are wont to do. I was feeling quite good about the whole situation and life in general. Came home and discovered that the little quail that we had been raising as part of a reintroduction program had been quite badly picked on. My husband had recently moved them from their abode in the garage out to the main flight pen where their evil brethren decided to make haste with the pecking. Needless to say I felt compelled to rescue the little guys, so my husband and I began to gather them up. 5 were missing. We found them huddled under a tarp near the back of the pen. As my hubby lifted the tarp I darted under and began snapping up quail as quickly as possible. I had managed to snag all 5 which had become a writhing mass of avianness in my hands when I stood up and smacked my head straight into a 2 by 4 that sits across part of the pen as a perch for the peacocks. I felt like I was going to black out or throw up. Both were certainly not out of the question. I implored my other half to 'take the g**damn birds' which were dropping from my hands one by one as I contemplated that I now knew the true meaning of 'exquisite' pain. I can see the headlines now.."Heroic vet saves cat in emergency surgery this morning, only to brain herself on a 2 by 4 in an attempt to rescue helpless quail."...sigh...
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