Sunday, January 26, 2014

Yes, It's Been Awhile

My blogging came to an abrupt halt in 2011, not because I was tired of it, or because a patient mauled my fingers leaving me unable to type (though that's not beyond the realm of possibility), but because my life kinda went to hell in a handbasket (more on that later).

My brain went kablooey (more on that later). I bought a practice (more on that later) and I bought a pig (yup, you guessed it, more on that later).

If I tried to explain all of this in a single post, most of you would give up after paragraph 57 and never come back. Hell, most of you may never come back anyway.  That's ok, 'cause this isn't about becoming popular, making money, or going viral.  Truth is, I'm supposed to be keeping a journal because it's therapeutic (Shhhh.  If you read closely, that sentence was rife with sarcasm).  Face it folks, many of us have tried and failed at writing stuff down every day.  I know I have.  Repeatedly.  Will blogging be different? I dunno.  It will if the pig has anything to do with it.  He senses a rise in his already local popularity and will likely demand that his shenanigans be posted for all the world to read.  Pigs are funny that way (more on that later).

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