I made it to the body shop, checked in and picked up my rental; my really small, camouflage white, no snow tires, low to the ground rental. I asked the clerk why no snow tires. "Oh, they're all season." Pfftt. All season. Maybe if you live in California. I normally drive a RAV4. I love my RAV. It happily plows through drifts, mud, herds of sheep (just kidding on the last one, but it would, if I'd let it.). In the rental I felt like I was sitting, literally, on the snow covered tarmac. I slid into snowdrifts not once, not twice, but THREE times. People in their vehicles equipped with SNOW TIRES plowed by me, oblivious to my obvious distress.
I wish I could get angry. I can't. It's a personality fault. I'm working on it. Sitting in my godawful rental, in a snowdrift, it would have been lovely to have sworn a blue streak to release the massive tension I'd accumulated in the short time I'd driven the car from hell. Instead, I bawled. I HATE that! If I'm frustrated, I cry. When I should be pissed off, I cry. Iphone stolen? Cried. The Sumac Encounter? Cried. I have an alter who would likely have happily taken a crowbar to the demon car and given it what for, but not me. Like I said, working on it.
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