Friday, February 28, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Hidden Camera reveals the answer to the mystery of why the back door has been open every evening when we get home. We were blaming it on Hamlet, the pig, due to his intellectual nature. Instead, it turns out that our dumb-as-a-post Samoyed, Tundra, is an idiot savant when it comes to escaping! This is a dog who's entire world disappears when you drape a towel over his head....
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
A Frapping Pig
Monday, February 10, 2014
Hamlet Grew....
Remember that little bundle of cuteness a couple of posts ago? This is Hamlet now. He's still a lovebug, still sleeps under the covers and still tries to be a lap pig. He's also amazingly smart and, being smart, gets bored easily. For some reason he has an obsession with open doors. He must, MUST close them once he's on the other side. Unfortunately he locked himself in the bathroom one day, resulting in this:
See the purple stuff? That's 40x concentrated dog shampoo folks. Took me an hour to clean up and there was shampoo coming from under the floorboards for weeks. Needless to say, all doors are now closed before leaving the house! Last week he discovered how to unlock and open the bay doors when we're gone, releasing the ecstatic hounds. Sigh...
See the purple stuff? That's 40x concentrated dog shampoo folks. Took me an hour to clean up and there was shampoo coming from under the floorboards for weeks. Needless to say, all doors are now closed before leaving the house! Last week he discovered how to unlock and open the bay doors when we're gone, releasing the ecstatic hounds. Sigh...
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Birds vs Christmas Trees
I mean, you can't really blame people. Ask someone the word they first associate with 'bird' and it could very well be 'tree'. They go together like fish and water, right? Not always. Look closely at the feet of this bird. See anything? Yup, that's angel hair some people put on their trees that's wrapped around this poor guy's feet and legs, cutting off circulation and essentially hobbling the guy!
Luckily the owner had brought the bird in quickly enough that, once we removed the angel hair, he was able to walk again and there was no permanent damage. Whew! So, next year, when Polly makes a beeline for the Christmas tree, remember that birds and trees aren't always meant to be together!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Do you every wish you could rewind the clock?
This is a drawing a 5 year old version of me drew. Freaked me the hell out, let me tell you. She's the only alter that comes out almost daily at night and that I've been forced to accept to some degree. From what others tell me, she is pleasant and kind; a good kid. She's a helluva Lego fan.
There are other alters who can each be big pains in the ass. It's one of these guys that got me into trouble the other day and made me miss the veterinary conference I'd been looking forward to for ages. I'm not sure who it was yet, but I have my guesses.
People with DID often get flash backs to downright terrifying things that happened in the past; things that they don't remember. For me, their intensity varies. When I'm focused at work, they very rarely happen. When I'm home or alone, they can come fast and furious. Thursday night was one of those nights where every second thought brought me to places I'm not sure I'll ever be able to talk about. There's a medication I take called Seroquel. It helps to reduce or minimize the flash backs. When it's really bad, I take two. One of the side effects is drowsiness, which isn't a big deal if you're already headed to bed. Unfortunately my alters tend to come out when I'm tired or my defenses are down. Oft times I'll feel a fuzziness when one of them is pushing their way forward and if I try hard enough, I can push them back down.
For reasons yet discovered, I'm not a big fan of crowds, loud noises or bright lights, all of which are front and center during a nationwide veterinary conference. One of my alters finagled a way out of going. They ransacked the drug cupboard and put a big dent in what was inside. As a result I semi-woke the next morning, slurring my words and feeling like the dog's breakfast. I slept until 5 pm, missing everything. I realize that they, in their way, were trying to protect me from the stresses of the conference, but upset was an understatement on my part.
I have an alter named 'Beth' who doesn't physically manifest herself, but who is always watching and keeping track of what everyone else is doing. She'll likely snitch on whoever overdosed during my next therapy session. Like I said, I have my guesses.
For an excellent source of information on DID, check out:
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