Happy Holidays everybody! It’s Toby again (for those of you that don’t know me, I’m the little Silky Terrier squished between the two big white guys in the piture). I thought it should be Timber’s turn to write the letter, but mom said it’s tradishin now so I has to keep doin’ it. Plus, mom says Timber’s not smart enough and Banjo can’t sit still long enough. (Stoopid Banjo)
I’m just kidding. Banjo’s our new brother that we gots this year. His fancy name’s “Vanderbilt’s the Banjoe Man”, but don’t tell him that ‘cause it might go to his head. He’s a Samoyed and Timber’s nephew. He was eight months old when he came to live with us and he didn’t have very good manners. He was really scareded of his crate, so he couldn’t stay in there. Whenever mom n’ dad left, he’d wreck sumfin. He chewed on the banister, eated a chair n’ destroyed 24 rolls of toilet paper (I kinda thought that looked awfully fun, but I didn’t wanna get in trouble, so I just watched). In the picture on the card he had just eated 6 books and looks very proud of it. As you can see, I’m tryin’ to tell him he shouldn’ta done it, but he didn’t listen to me!) He’s better behaved now, I think from watchin’ me, ‘cause I’m the bestest of us all.
I learned to swim really good this year! We’d all go down to the neighbour’s place n’ swim from the dock. I even gotted brave enuf to jump right off of the dock and into the water! Dad made it fun by throwin’ these yummy things called ‘Doritos’ into the water. We swam around and eated them. That was the bested part. Timber liked to dig in the sand and Banjo liked to catch all the frogs.
There were a lotta turkeys running around again this year. Dad says 20. I wasn’t ‘fraid of them and when mom or dad brought out old donuts, they’d all come running. Sometimes I could sneak in and steal a piece. They liked to cross the road n’ visit the neighbours, but they’d all stand in the middle of the road and make the cars stop. (Stoopid Turkeys) I can’t believe that one of ‘em didn’t get squished. Mom got really cheesed when they ate all the kale she was growin’ for the bunnies and guinea pigs and when they eated all the grapes she was growin’ to make juice n’ jam. Plus, they pooped everywhere and that was really gross. Dad sold ‘em to people down the road ‘cause mom didn’t feel like eatin’ ‘em this year. (Bummer. Turkey’s yummy)
People sometimes bring baby things into the hospital mom works at ‘cause they’re hurt n’ stuff. This year we had some baby pidgeons, a baby crow, some wild bunnies and a squirrel. I loves to chase the squirrels, but I’m not allowed to chase this one. I don’t know how mom ‘spects me to tell ‘em apart. (Stoopid Squirrel)
Dad played a lot with rocks this year. He kept going into the neighbour’s gravel pit ‘an bringin’ ‘em home in our car. He likes to do stuff called landscapin’ (I’m not really sure what that means). He built a staircase behind the garage n’ a place to walk to the swamp at the back. He also built a cool place you can sit and look at the stuff in the swamp like the birds and the beavers that are eatin’ all the trees. (Stoopid Beavers)
My paws are gettin’ kinda tired, so I’m gonna stop now. I hope everyone had as great of a year as we did!! Talk to you next year!